Journal article
Physical Review Letters
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Solnyshkov, D. D., Leblanc, C., Septembre, I., & Malpuech, G. Domain-Wall Topology Induced by Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Polariton Graphene. Physical Review Letters.
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Solnyshkov, D. D., C. Leblanc, I. Septembre, and G. Malpuech. “Domain-Wall Topology Induced by Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Polariton Graphene.” Physical Review Letters (n.d.).
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Solnyshkov, D. D., et al. “Domain-Wall Topology Induced by Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Polariton Graphene.” Physical Review Letters.
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title = {Domain-Wall Topology Induced by Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Polariton Graphene.},
journal = {Physical Review Letters},
author = {Solnyshkov, D. D. and Leblanc, C. and Septembre, I. and Malpuech, G.}
We present a numerical study of exciton-polariton (polariton) condensation in a staggered polariton graphene showing a gapped s band. The condensation occurs at the kinetically favorable negative mass extrema (K and K^{'} valleys) of the valence band. Considering attractive polariton-polariton interaction allows us to generate a spatially extended condensate. The symmetry breaking occurring during the condensate buildup leads to the formation of valley-polarized domains. This process can either be spontaneous, following the Kibble-Zurek scenario, or triggered, leading to a controlled spatial distribution of valley-polarized domains. The selection of a single valley breaks time-reversal symmetry, and the walls separating domains exhibit a reconfigurable topologically protected chiral current. This current emerges as a result of the interplay between the nontrivial valley topology and the condensation-induced symmetry breaking.