Journal article
Nature Communications
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Król, M., Septembre*, I., Oliwa, P., Kędziora, M., Łempicka-Mirek, K., Muszyński, M., … Szczytko, J. Annihilation of exceptional points from different Dirac valleys in a 2D photonic system. Nature Communications.
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Król, M., I. Septembre*, P. Oliwa, M. Kędziora, K. Łempicka-Mirek, M. Muszyński, R. Mazur, et al. “Annihilation of Exceptional Points from Different Dirac Valleys in a 2D Photonic System.” Nature Communications (n.d.).
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Król, M., et al. “Annihilation of Exceptional Points from Different Dirac Valleys in a 2D Photonic System.” Nature Communications.
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title = {Annihilation of exceptional points from different Dirac valleys in a 2D photonic system},
journal = {Nature Communications},
author = {Król, M. and Septembre*, I. and Oliwa, P. and Kędziora, M. and Łempicka-Mirek, K. and Muszyński, M. and Mazur, R. and Morawiak, P. and Piecek, W. and Kula, P. and Bardyszewski, W. and Lagoudakis, P. G. and Solnyshkov, D. D. and Malpuech, G. and Piętka, B. and Szczytko, J.}